Prelude & Fugue by Francois Campion
Francois Campion's Presl From a concert in Brno in 2011 or so
Francois Campion's Presl From a concert in Brno in 2011 or so
I think of the 3rd structural key as the one the composer elects, while the 2nd structural key (dominant) is "natural", because it is found on every time scale including the smallest--the overtone series. Examples: In Haydn …
J a p a n t o u r August, 2013 Rodrigo's Concierto Aramjuez at the Maebashi Concert Hall, Gunma, with Dina Koston's "Set of Three"; Wuorinen's Sonata for Guitar & Piano; Blasphemy (for guitar & piano) by Shoko …
The performance took place in Brno in 2010 or so
Milton Babbitt, a card carrying positivist whose Cold War music was funded by the CIA, wrote somewhere, "if music is to continue to evolve".... A preemptive strike: eugenics was very much in the positivist spirit. The …
I do picaresque solo guitar programs all summer long, in the U.S. and Europe. The guitar is a picaresque instrument. Andres Segovia made a comment to Mexican composer Manuel Ponce in a well known letter, praising one of …